What's Stopping You Life Coaching - Blog Post

What can We Learn from Louis C.K. about Self-awareness?

I was watching a funny video of Louis C.K. that touched on self-love vs self-awareness and it inspired me to write this blog post. “Self-love is a good thing but self-awareness is more important.” – Louis C.K. I covered the importance of self-love in an earlier blog post, and I will have to agree with Louis C.K. […]

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Improve Self-awareness by Perfecting Franklin’s 13 Virtues

I came across Benjamin Franklin’s 13 virtues, and was inspired to share how they can improve self-awareness.  Franklin’s amazing success can be attributed to his continuous pursuit for self-improvement. He came up with a list of 13 virtues which he would perfect and strive to live up to. He also documented and tracked his progress along the way […]

What's Stopping You Life Coaching - Blog Image

How to Apply Einstein’s 55-5 Quote to Your Career Change?

Are you considering a career change? Do you feel bored, fed-up, lost and unhappy in your job? Do you no longer feel motivated at work and have reached a point where you don’t love what you do anymore and it’s affecting your overall well-being? Looking for a career change can be a daunting experience. In […]

what's stopping you life coaching - blog

Are You Feeling Stuck?

We all have experienced the feeling of being stuck in a rut, circled around the same pattern and not knowing how to get out of it to move forward. It’s what Enstein described as insanity ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’. More of the same thing isn’t going to […]

what's stopping you life coaching - blog

The Importance of Self-love

I have a friend who is going through a separation and has been beating herself up, blaming herself for causing pain to everyone in her life, and thinking that she is not a good person as a result of following her gut and making this decision that feels authentic to her. How often do you […]